Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Discussion about SF by Pushpanjali

Hi All,
This is the first part of body of critical review.

Freud was born on May 6, 1856. He grew up in an unusual , complicated Jewish family. Freud's father, Jacob, married his mother Amalia, when she was a teenager and he was forty years old. For the first two and half years of his life, a nursemaid took care of Freud. She instilled in him, a faith toward God Almighty. As he lost his younger brother, he spent most of his early years in the care of his nanny. She left him suddenly because of being accused of stealing and it invoked a feeling of hostility toward church in young Freud.
At home, Frued's father used to read Bible in Hebrew but Freud never learned Hebrew. His father struggled a lot to make a living for his family. During his adoloscent years, he wrote many letters to a friend named Eduard Silberstein. Freud studied under the philosopher Franz Brentano, when he entered the University of Vienna. Brentano influenced young Freud by demostrating the existence of God. Due to this, Freud wrote in one of his letters that "......science of all things seems to demand the existence of God......."
Another philosopher, whom Freud admired was Ludwig Feuerbach. He told that religion is for the fulfillment of human need. Freud's athiesm might have further influenced by the cultural environment of Europe and specific environment of medical school. Freud worked with Brucke, who also took a strong stand against the spiritual worldview.
To his dismay,Freud had to wait for the professorship for seventeen years because of the prejudice against jews. Because of his experience with anti-Semitism, which his father also experienced with humiliation, he referred to religion as "the enemy". In 1982, he became engaged to Martha Bernays, who was also a Jewish. On Easter 1886,he opened aprivate practice in neuropathology. After that he got married to Martha. The death of his father, a decade later, made a profound impact on Freud. Due to which, he formulated his theory of the Oedipus complex. According to the theory, children experience psychosexual development during which they develop affection for the parent of the opposite sex and rivalry toward the parent of the same sex. He told that early childhood relationships with parents contribute to psychological health of a person later in life. He concerned Oedipus complex, as the neucleus of every case of neurosis.

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